Friday, January 21, 2011

Nine months

"hmmm...I'd really like to grab sister's bow...
I think I'll go for it...
...but what's that 'no' word that mama keeps saying?"
They had a great check-up weighing in at 16 lbs 6 oz and 19 lbs 15 oz.  Simmons is 28" long and Sally Kate is  28 1/4" long.  It will be a while before I take them back to a well baby check up by myself, though.  I have never taken them to any appt by myself but I got brave and thought, "oh, it can't be that bad--they don't get shots it will be fine." Well, I was wrong! First of all, I shouldn't have just assumed that my new pediatrician would do everything like the old one.  They had to be weighed and checked out in nothing but a dry diaper...changing clothes is one of their least favorite things...enough said. And to top it off they had to end up getting a shot that they were out of at their 6 month check up.  I don't think there were any nurses to be found in the hallway or other rooms because they were all in ours. As I said, it will be a while before I do that again ;)

They are pulling up and crawling on anything and everything. This started full force around Christmas and there are no signs of it slowing down!  Sally Kate can stand by herself every now and then but Simmons hasn't tried that yet.  I am trying to prepare myself that they will be walking soon...bets are on that it will be before their first birthday...we'll see! They both have two bottom teeth and are loving feeding themselves a little bit these days--I think that's about to really crank up because sometimes they just don't want the baby food.  They are definitely knowing who their mama and daddy are and get so excited to see us especially when we go into get them from a nap.  You would think they hadn't seen us in sweet.  As for personalities, Sally Kate is our drama queen and Simmons is a little more laid back. Who knows if it will always be that way!


April Davidson said...

Jenny Ruth,

I came over to your blog from (Jamie's blog) and noticed you recently moved to Meridian. I live in Meridian. Small world. If you have any questions about the "queen city," I would be more than happy to help. Your family is precious!

The O'Briens said...

I could eat them up! I cannot believe they are 9 months old. Unreal. Love and miss you!

Marty said...

Hey Jenny Ruth! I don't know if you heard, but Kurt and I are expecting in August. Yay! I found a crib that I like, and when I just looked at your blog, it looks like your crib. I think it's called DaVinci Jenny Lind. Is that what yours is? (you can email me the answer:


jwhite said...

JR -

These girls are so precious! I hate I missed ya'll last week. Hope everyone is healthy and well and Mama is getting some sleep... boxes to you, my friend :)

Jamestown James said...

Yo I don't know if you know this but your bebbies look alike?