Saturday, May 21, 2011

On the move

We moved to our new town in MS in November and ended up signing a 6 month lease. We're in that sixth month now but we've recently signed a contract on another house.  We are so thankful it worked out! We love everything about it, especially the location.  The previous owners had updated it a good bit as well so it was nice to walk into something that was close to being move-in ready. We closed the first of the month but have our rental for another 2 weeks. Our new house is about a mile from our rental so we thought a lot of little trips over the course of a month would be super easy...we could just move a little at a time, stay organized in the process, etc. Well, 500 trips later and we were throwing things in the car. I didn't care how it got there as long as it got there! But, we made it and we made it with the tremendous help of our parents--we are forever grateful for all they did to help us get in and we owe them about 20 steak dinners! Here's to staying in this house a LONG TIME!

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