Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Merry!

As I sit down to write, I can't believe Christmas is one week from TODAY! I definitely have a little shopping left to do so I guess I better get on it. I have to say that I am glad it has turned colder so that it feels more like Christmas. Last week I went to Lowe's to buy a couple of Christmas things and it felt like I should be buying spring flowers! :)

The last couple of weeks have consisted of shopping, traveling, Christmas parties, etc. It's just a busy time of year, isn't it? I know it's easy for me to forget why we are doing the things that we are doing during the Holiday season and I am really trying to focus on the fact that we wouldn't be doing any of this if it weren't for the birth of the good Lord above. Speaking of, several of my dearest friends have had babies lately!! In the past few weeks I have been able to get to Birmingham and Memphis to meet these precious little ones!! Kathryn (Hooks) had baby Caleb on Nov. 7 and Kelly (Flowers) had sweet Emily Kate on Nov. 24th. They are all doing great and we are so glad they are here!! :) Congrats again to you both! See Caleb (first pic) & EK below... (pics below have been sent to me in e-mail--i didn't have my camera either time! :)

LK did manage to get in a trip to South Dakota to pheasant hunt for a few days. He & his dad, along with some other friends try and go every year...they had a good time and I am glad it worked out for them to go...

I pray everyone has a really blessed Holiday and that you enjoy your time seeing friends and family. Be safe in your travels. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

Hope ya'll have a very Merry Christmas!!!! Love all the pics!