Monday, January 07, 2008

Weekend Project

LK & I loved being at home this weekend. We got alot done around the house and even managed to get the headboard complete that we have been talking about for months! Our guest room is pretty much done now except for maybe a thing or two for the walls. After several trips to the fabric store and a few to Lowe's we can now check this one off the list...definitely a sense of accomplishment! We enjoyed doing it and thought it turned out pretty LK is just praying that I won't decide we need new bedding :) I did assure him, though, that I chose the fabric I did so that wouldn't be the case...tried to go pretty neutral...and that way when I want to change it in 6 months something to go with it won't be hard to find ;)


JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

JR & Larkin-
The weekend project looks incredible!!! Glad you got to enjoy yourselves at home for the weekend.

The Overstreets said...


Hillary Jordan said...

Love the headboard, JR! It looks professional. You did a great job on it.

The Kosko Family said...

looks great!! looks like an invitation for us to come visit!

Unknown said...

looks great!!!

Jenny said...

impressive! you did a great job!

how are you? i haven't had much time to blog stalk lately, so i've missed 'seeing' you.:)

happy 2008 to the kennedys!!

LT (and Max) said...

beautiful! love it! blue and brown is one of my favorite color combinations!

Alison said...

i love your headboard!

Lee, Leanne and Samuel said...

very crafty! looks great...take care, leanne

The Hugheys said...

LOVE it!! You should come over to our house! :)

Amanda & CJ said...

ok the headboard looks so great! i really need to inherit that talent of yours. i need to take on more projects around the house. great job chicka! hope all is well. i just added you to our page. it has been so long since i have talked to you!!