Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Always Low Prices

The news across the big city is that our Super Wal Mart opens tomorrow! We don't know what to do with ourselves around here! People have planned their week around this magnificent event. Grand opening is in the morning at 7:30 and I am SURE it will be packed out! It will be SO nice not to have to drive to Corinth to grocery shop. Lately, though, the Piggly Wiggly has become my place to shop only because it's 2 minutes from our house...not because of its low prices I can assure you! I am making my list tonight along with everyone else. Am I going to have to really think hard about my list? Yes. Did I just go a few days ago? Yes. But I know I can come up with some stuff...I mean it's Wal Mart..we always need something from there, right?!?!


DK Baria said...

isn't it amazing how little it takes to get us excited these days?! i enjoy keeping up with y'all through your blog. take care. dk

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

You are so funny!! I know ya'll are so excited. Next time we're in Booneville let's plan a trip to Wal-Mart!!! I can ALWAYS find something I need! haha!

Unknown said...

hilarious!! Have fun!

Unknown said...

hilarious!! Have fun!