Sunday, June 29, 2008

New Look

I've tried to get a "new look" and Leelou has definitely helped! I went to The Cutest Blog on the Block first, but all of my favorites must have been yours too :) SO, I linked to some sites off the cutest blog and came across Leelou. I am a big fan of polka dots and the color red so I thought I would try this one for a while. She does all kind of stuff...some free some not. This background was free and she has a good bit to choose from...Now if I can just get my page elements page to work--it's so messed might come up once every 100 clicks...but it might not!! Oh well, I guess it will come up sooner or later :) Does anyone else have this problem?!?!!?!?


The Kosko Family said...

the blog looks so cute! and it took me FOREVER to figure out how to get all of the page elements to work on mine.....not even sure how i did it all....just playing around with it....good luck....

Breisch and Angie Stallings said...

The blog looks great! I love blue and green together and the polka dots tie it all in together. TOO Cute!

David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the new know I love me some polka-dots!! :) miss my durlin!! LOVE YOU!

Ashley said...

Love the new look JR! It always takes me forever to get all my stuff back too! Hope you have a great week and birthday especially!!

Susie said...

love your new blog look! i also love polka dots! i'll have to check out leelou!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.