Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Bremo and a Birthday

Last week I celebrated my 27th birthday!! I can't believe I am 27....and yes, I know it's still very young but it's just crazy that I am not too, too far from 30. I like to think of myself as being 24 or 25 so I may just keep thinking that way. My parents came for a few days last week and we enjoyed having them here so much. Larkin worked and my dad worked around our house while mom and I enjoyed the pool! I don't think it would feel like my birthday if I didn't celebrate with my family at some point...that is always a gift in itself. Thanks, mom & dad, for everything..from the gifts to the food to the delicious (and cute) cake! Y'all are the best!! Stevo, we missed you!! I do have a few pictures but of course my camera is dead and I can't find the charger anywhere. So typical...

On Thursday LK and I left headed to Virginia to meet his parents. They took the scenic route and drove but since we didn't really have the time to do that we opted to fly. Larkin has some family right outside of Charlottesville that we had never met. His dad is big into geneology and has just come in contact with this part of the family, who invited us up to their plantation home for the 4th. SO, all of that to say, we really didn't know what we were getting ourselves into but they turned out to be great and we had a good time. The name of the plantation is Lower Bremo and it's beautiful. We are standing in front of it in the picture (taken with LK's camera that hasn't died:). They have a family tradition of having "turtle races" on the afternoon of the 4th. It was great. The little kids look for turtles and try to find 6 or 7 or however many they can. Then they all get put in a box and get named...this year it was thoroughbred race had Big Brown, Citation, Assault, etc. They put the turtles in the middle of this big circle they have roped off and the first one to get to the rope wins. Everyone bets on a turtle...$3 is the highest you can bet. It was definitely a little something different but a tradition that may not be a bad idea to start! On Saturday we spent the day at Jamestown and Yorktown and then laid our head in a hotel in Williamsburg that night after a fabulous dinner.

Larkin and I did get lucky and got to see Cooper & Garrett while we were there. It worked out great because our hotel on Friday night was literally 5 minutes from their house...We couldn't believe it worked out that well. All in all it was a great trip!! Always good to have a change of scenery, right?!?

Yesterday Larkin's first cousin, Irene & her family got to come by on their way back to Jackson. They had spent the 4th in Huntsville and made a little detour through Booneville on their way back. We loved seeing them and are so glad we had a chance to squeeze on Baker & Maddie. They are so precious. We swam for a little while and tried to ware them out so they would sleep good on the way home....Irene, did that do the trick?!?!? Thanks for coming by guys. Sorry that the driving was longer than we thought it was going to be...we'll be the ones looking at google maps next time :)

We are headed to Memphis for the weekend for Brian Flowers wedding. We are so excited for him and Meg and can't wait for the big day. On Sunday I am headed to the beach for the week and then taking a detour through Inverness for another wedding...we will definitely be getting a few hitched in the next few weeks but we wouldn't have it any other way. Definitely some fun ahead...


The Simpsons said...

hey Jenny Ruth.. We are moving to booneville. My husband got a job at cat. We will definitely have to meet up sometime soon. I will keep you updated.


The Hensons said...

yay! i missed y'all at bryan's wedding, so i'm excited that you'll be at emily's!

Kyle Miller said...

Hello, I recently discovered this National architectural treasure called Lower Bremo. I am a great fan of both Jacobean and Palladian architecture (Bremo Upper). One of my great American admirations is Thomas Jefferson and his architectural style. Who would have guessed that all of this diversity would exist in one location? I have a question for you. Would you be able to provide some interior photos of Lower Bremo? Also a floor plan would be awesome. Knowing this is a private residence makes this even more irrestable to know what it looks and feels like inside. Thanks so muh if you can :) Kyle Miller, Kansas City, MO