Thursday, September 04, 2008

Labor Day

We were here over Labor Day and it was so nice to be at home. Jordan and Saunders and Kane and Katey came to visit throughout the course of the weekend and we loved every second of it. Friday night we took J & S to the Pizza Factory in Baldwyn--their food is so good and there's nothing like creeping on down there for the lunch special either...doesn't get any better when you can eat there for $3.70 =) On Saturday we hung out by the pool and if Jordan and I heard one time that it was "Game Day" we heard it 100 times. Then you get Kane here and we heard it 100 more...not to mention those were the first two words out of my husbands mouth on Saturday say we're excited about football season is an understatement! =)
Camp loved being in the pool and being with Darby. He has gotten so big and is absolutely precious. Pictures were few and far between on this trip so go here to see this cute thing...
On Sunday afternoon we headed up to Pickwick to Kelly's parents cabin to see the Butler Crew and the Flowers. We loved spending the afternoon up there and loved seeing them. Thanks for having us, Kel! We did manage to sneak a pic...

We are headed to Starkville this weekend and can't wait. Hopefully the Bulldogs can pull us through on this's going to be a really long season if not! =)
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The Simpsons said...

hey jenny ruth.. glad to see you are doing well.
Please let me know if you know of any full time or part time jobs in the booneville, tupelo area. Im hoping to move there really soon so we will definitely have to meet up one night. :)

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

We are getting spoiled getting to see ya'll every weekend!!! Can't wait for this weekend! Love you! Hope you've had a great week!