Wednesday, December 17, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things....

So I just had to brag a little bit on two of the most talented people I know!  The first one is my mother-in-law, Lanny and the cute wreath she made for us! She wanted to make a "fun" wreath for inside and our laundry room door is the perfect place for it.   It's the first thing I see every time I walk in the back door. I l-o-v-e love it! =)

Second, my sweet friend Andrea made all of the families in our small group an adorable frame with each families initial on it for Christmas.  She is a super busy person and still has lots of orders to fill before Christmas so for her to take the time to do this meant so much to all of us! Thanks again, Andrea! =) See her cute business here....

And speaking of favorite things...I have to say that I am lovin having a laptop now.  Right now I am really liking the fact that I can blog sitting at the bar in the kitchen.  Larkin has been wanting a Mac for a while now so Santa came a little early and made the special delivery.  We are loving it.  Wireless=nice =)


JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

LOVE that picture frame!!!!

Jenny said...

that frame is so cute! your mom in law is talented too=) how sweet!