Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lagging behind!

I have definitely been a little behind when it comes to blogging, BUT I am back and hope to do a better job at documenting what's happening around here! =)

As for this week, I have managed to plant a little "color" in the backyard but it's a slow process. I will post a few pictures when it's complete. We don't have our pool open yet but we're hoping to get that done over the weekend....I think once that is done and the flowers are planted it will officially feel like and look like summer around here and I can't wait. And of course if you live in close proximity to the big city you are welcome to come take a dip anytime!

On another note, I've been trying to figure out how to be a little more creative when it comes to taking pictures with our camera. We've had our Canon Rebel for quite a while but we've never taken the time to actually read the manual (imagine that) and learn how to use the "creative zones" as they call it. You know, learning how to change and use your AF (auto focus), your aperture, and so on and so on...We have decided we are going to try and figure it out this weekend so we'll see how that goes.

Happy Thursday!! =)

1 comment:

DK Baria said...

glad to see you are back in the blogging world. hope y'all are doing well and enjoying working in your yard. would love to come by for a visit sometime when i get to tupelo. dk