Friday, June 18, 2010

Finally an update!

Well, the title says it all! I am finally giving an update on this blog!! It's a miracle! It's been quite crazy around the Kennedy household the past 6 weeks and when I think about trying to update you on ALL of it it's quite overwhelming SO we're just going to start with a few recent pictures.  They will be 10 weeks old on Monday and everyone seems to think they look just like their daddy--esp Sally Kate!! (Simmons is on the left and Sally Kate on the right)

The last two pictures are with Keegan & Camden, the sweet identical twin boys that live about a mile down the road who were born just two weeks before Sally Kate & Simmons.  How crazy is that?!  In our little small town who would have thought that two sets of identical twins would be born so close together, much less live so close.  We absolutely love seeing them--it's been fun!  Also, the picture above the four of them is just a little insight into our day.  Katie had ordered these bottle props off of Etsy so I was sure to follow that great idea.  We usually feed them in their boppy's but the bouncy seat was the closest thing that day!

The girls really are doing great.  We had our 2 month visit this past week and they got their shots.  Sally Kate now weighs 10 lbs 1 oz and Simmons weighs 8 lbs 1 oz.  The doctor said they looked like a million bucks so mom and dad will take that kind of report any day!  We are starting to get a little sleep around here but I'd be lying if I told you that I didn't feel like I am running on fumes alot of days.  As with one baby or two, it's just constant.  That's the best word I can think of to describe it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a momma to two but sister doesn't stop!  I think once we're sleeping through the night then obviously a lot of exhaustion will go away.  We are getting there, though, so it shouldn't be long.  They slept from 10:30 to 4 last night so yay yay yay!

Now that they've had their shots I am looking forward to getting out more. It's time to find out what our new life as parents of two is really like!

Look forward to keeping you updated!


Alison said...

SO precious!

Kendall and Will said...

I love the new pictures!! I want to see more! I promise you will sleep soon :) you're doing great!!!

The Overstreets said...

I love these pictures!!

The O'Briens said...

Oh my goodness. I can't wait to meet them in person! I miss you, sweet friend. Love you so.

jwhite said...

mine look like their daddy too :)