Thursday, July 01, 2010

11 weeks

I snapped a few pictures before we went walking the other day.  Can't believe they're 11 weeks old!


The O'Briens said...

They are growing too fast!!

hollie said...

Jenny Ruth, your babies are adorable! Congratulations.

Unknown said...

They are growing so fast! And so cute - yes, they favor their Daddy. Hope you guys are well. You're on our minds all the time.

Amy Hogue said...

Precious Daughters! You don't know me - Promise I'm not a stalker :) Found your blog through a mutual acquaintance. I am expecting twins 6 week from today and have enjoyed reading your blog. I had tried to find the bottle holders on etsy after I saw them on your pictures but I haven't had any luck. Can you point me in the right direction? Also their cars seat/travel system. Which one is that? Love the Orange - looks like Chico. Please contact me at - Thanks! amy hogue baldwyn ms