Saturday, July 31, 2010

3 months old

Simmons (on left)
Weight: around 10 lbs.
We have nicknamed her "smiley" because all she does is smile! She can't eat for smiling half the time!

Sally Kate (on right)
Weight: approx. 12 lbs.
She is a little more serious and a little more stingy with her smiles =)  Although, when she smiles, it takes up her whole face! She can talk up a storm, though...

Their little personalities haven't developed too much. I have alot of people ask me that. I know any day they will start to develop and I can't wait!  As far as looking alike there are days where they really look identical to me and then days where they don't.  I am sure that will change as they get older.  Overall, they are so fun and I could just kiss their sweet little cheeks off!!


The Putnam Family said...

The girls are beautiful! I hope we happen upon y'all sometime so I can see them in person. Hope all is well. Tell LK hello from the Putnams.

The Hugheys said...

They are beautiful, JR. Loved all the updates!

Melissa W. said...

Your twins are beautiful!