Monday, March 21, 2011

Turks & Caicos

I wish this first sentence could tell you how wonderful my trip was to Turks & Caicos but I've only been there in my dreams. A friend of mine (who just got back from here and has a fabulous blog by the way) and I were talking about vacations over the weekend  and this location came up.  I haven't stopped thinking about it since. I looked up a few pictures and that was a bad idea. I mean, really? It's this beautiful here? Oh, take me away T & C. Maybe one day you can, but for now I am going to start thinking about Larkin's work meeting/my/our vacation here that really is going to happen in June. I have had the beach on the brain lately and maybe it's because we never made it there last year. The beach this year can't come fast enough. One trip for the whole fam and one for mama and daddy...sounds like a plan to me! 

1 comment:

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

I think I will have to help Larkin plan a special getaway for you to T&C! Maybe you and I could go and the boys could keep the kiddos!! :)