Friday, September 21, 2007

Beth Moore...

It seems like I have been hearing everybody talk about Beth Moore the past few weeks!! From her being in Nashville a few weeks ago at Deeper Still to friends starting one of her many bible studies, her name has been directly in my path lately...So I am kind of thinking that Jesus might want the three of us to start having some time together! :) I ran across Beth Moore's blog the other day and found myself to be so encouraged just in the first few post. She & her oldest daughter are the contributors for this site so it's neat to read from her daughter's perspective as well. I looked at the Living Proof Ministries site, too, and the next time she will be close to this area will be next June in Atlanta...

Check out the video recap here from the conference in's a good one...the Lord was ALL OVER that place! :)

Have a great weekend!


Amy Ingram said...

DId you go to nashville? I wish I had known if so!! I was AMAZING. I'm planning on going next year too!

Jenny Ruth said...

I didn't make it to Nashville...wish I had though! I am hoping to get to Atlanta! :)

Jenny said...

i want to go!!! i heard it was unbelievable!!!!

Susie said...

jr- you should totally go to atlanta. it is worth it. nville was so encouraging for me. if you go, let me know. i'd love to meet up with you! i am doing her Daniel study right now and must say, it is great! i highly recommend it! we are only on week 4, but so far so good!