Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Larkin and I just got back from small group bible study. We have been going to church at The Orchard in Tupelo and we decided to join a small group. They don't have Sunday School, but they put alot of emphasis on these groups. SO after visiting different churches in Booneville & Tupelo I think this is where we have ended up. We look forward to going every Sunday...we hate to's been such a blessing.

We are reading the book of Philippians in bible study and discussed the first chapter tonight. The theme, as many of you know, is joy. Having joy is something I always want to have, but I admit that sometimes my joy is dependent on my circumstances. I am slowly but surely learning that is not where true joy comes from. Of course, we can be happy from the good happenings in our life but that's different. I pray often that no matter what I may be facing or going through that it would not take away my joy. I want to have joy in all circumstances...good and bad. Of course, some things can rob me of my when I worry...but I am working on that :)

I am looking forward to going through the rest of the book and onto my all-time favorite verse....the one I have probably said to myself a million times in my life and will probably say two million more..."Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

May we all have a little more joy in our hearts because we CAN!


The Petro Family said...

Hey Jenny Ruth and Larkin,
My inlaws live in Tupelo and attend The Orchard as do many of their friends. They have been there for a couple of years and love it! They host a Bible Study themselves. Their names are Emile and Angie Petro. We have been with them when we visit and love it as well. Enjoy. I am going to tell them to look for you!

LT (and Max) said...

thanks for the encouragement!! :) philippians is one of my favorite books..

Anonymous said...

hey jenny ruth,
sorry we never got up with y'all to come to church with us before y'all found a home. i'm so glad that y'all have found a place that you love, though! you are more than welcome to come with us anytime, the least, we need to eat sunday lunch sometime!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenny Ruth, I loved reading your post about The Orchard. Kristin Corbett's family goes to The Orchard and I have gotten the opportunity to go w/them several times. I absolutely loved it. I wish I could move it to Jackson. I am excited for you and Larkin!

The Segrest Family said...

chad and i went to the orchard when we lived in tupelo (we only lived there for 6 months) and we really liked it!

The Segrest Family said...

chad and i went to the orchard when we lived in tupelo (we only lived there for 6 months) and we really liked it!