Friday, March 21, 2008

New Orleans & a little of this little of that...

A few weekends ago my cousin, Nick, got married in New Orleans. My parents and I went and had a great time. Since the wedding was on a Sunday night Larkin wasn't able to go. We weren't really sure why they would pick a Sunday night but later found out that Southern Oaks is booked every Friday & Saturday night until 09' and they definitely didn't want to wait that long! It was great seeing family that we don't get to see very often and it was good to get to New Orleans. It had been a while since we had been so it was fun. Congrats again to you both! :) Also, the second picture is one of my favorites...after they were pronounced husband and wife the wedding party and Nick & Erin came back in the gate (it was outside) behind a jazz was great--definitely could tell we were in New Orleans! :)

Aside from that little trip, Larkin and I went to Decatur, AL the end of February to visit our good friends Brad & Carroll Lane. We loved every second of being with them & they have two precious little girls, Lillianna & Ellenie. Ellenie was born Jan 7 so this was our first time to meet sweet! We miss you guys so much!! :)
We are actually going to be at home this weekend for Easter. I honestly think it's the first holiday we have spent at our own house since we got married...seriously. We don't know what to do with ourselves! Larkin's parents are coming here so it should be a good weekend. There is no telling what kind of projects we will get into. His dad loves them and I love for him to do them :) I think the flower bed is the number one priority for sure!! I will try to remember to get some before and after shots.
Happy Easter!!


The Brooks said...

Hello Jenny Ruth this is Emily V. Brooks.I am so glad to find your blog. I added you to ours. You still look great!

DK Baria said...

hey, jenny ruth. we are at laura's this week-end too, and it is sat. nite and the house is quiet since everyone is in bed but night-owl me. we worked in the yard here, or should i say they worked and i watched the babies, my favorite thing to do. hope y'all have a nice easter sun. and enjoy lanny and bill. dk

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

I love the pictures! What a fun wedding too. Glad ya'll had a great Easter. Can't wait to see ya'll tis weekend...hopefully. :)