Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Anniversary...a few months early! :)

I know it's been a while since I have posted but things have been kind of crazy around here lately! I have actually been doing a teacher's maternity leave at school and will do that thru the middle of May. It's definitely been alot more than I thought it was going to be but it's starting to even out's for 4th grade and all of my teacher friends out there know that state testing is coming up so that takes up ALOT of our time. All I can say about that is YUCK! :)

Anyway, LK and I did manage to get away for a few days last week and we headed to what has become our new favorite place...Charleston! We had talked about taking an anniversary trip this summer since we will have been married for 5 years in July (no I can't believe that:). Well, we ended up planning it for the spring before things got too hot and crowded and we all know how busy summer can be sometimes. We are so glad we went when we did because the weather was absolutely perfect. I have to give credit where credit is definitely due because I had nothing to do with planning this trip. I found out a few weeks before where we were going but that's about all I knew. I wasn't even suppose to know that but Larkin accidentally let it slip one day and of course he felt terrible about it....he was so worried about somebody else letting it slip that it's just funny that he ended up being the one to say something (didn't think so at the time:) We got there Wednesday night and stayed through Saturday. We took a carriage ride tour Thursday morning to kind of get our "lay of the land" and then spent the rest of the time going back to places we had seen that morning. The shopping was great, the food incredible (thanks to Rachel's recs:) and the homes and landscaping absolutely beautiful...highly recommend it for your next trip! :)

On top of the Market Pavilion Hotel with the Cooper River Bridge in the distance

The owner of Piggly Wiggly lives here...I mean I guess it's okay :)

Just a random shot...pretty much gives "the look" of the downtown

And last but not least, I have to say that the biggest and best surprise of the trip was when he handed me a ticket for the Carrie Underwood & Keith Urban concert. I had NO idea that we were going and I was beyond excited! I love their music and hoped that one day we might get to go to one of their shows...never dreamed of being able to see them both at the same time! It was so good!! She performed first and it sounded just like it does on the radio. He came on after her and was the nicest guy and put on the best show. You must go if you ever have the opportunity. It's one of the best concerts we have ever been to. And did I mention that our seats were on the 8th row?!?!? Yeh, he did real good ;)

We flew back into Memphis on Saturday morning and jumped in the car and headed to Starkville to celebrate one more anniversary..Sigma Chi ;) It was the 70th ann. of them being at State so we made it for part of the celebration weekend. It was fun and we loved staying with Kane, Katey & Camp...Kane had a big part in planning it and did a great job! There was a huge turnout and everybody seemed to have a good time. We did manage to grab a quick pic before the party that night...
So I definitely just think I made up for not blogging the past 3 weeks :) I have been tagged by Hailey on the "Who Are You?" game so I will be posting that in the next few days. Have a good one...


The Kosko Family said...

so much fun! i'm glad you enjoyed it! charleston is fabulous! even more fab when you're with the one you love....

The O'Briens said...

Glad you are back friend! I am jealous of y'alls trip - I'm dying to see Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban! One day....

Alison said...

how much fun! what a wonderful trip :) congrats on 5 years!!

The Hensons said...

glad you're back! we are going to charleston for our 5yr anniversary in a few weeks too! so excited. email me with some recs if you get a chance...i'm planning this one! later.

carroll lane said...

yea! you're back! So excited to hear about your trip - I'm glad I didn't let it slip! way to go Buuuub! You all look so fab in the pics and the concert looks like so much fun! Miss you all!

LT (and Max) said...

oh...i LOVE charleston! what a fun trip!

Crystal Garcia said...

Charleston is awesome! Yall and the Overstreets were lookin' gooood! ouch!

Preston, Lauren, and Leighton said...

Can't wait to hear all about the trip! Calling you on Sunday on our LONG drive.

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

How fun JR!!! Larkin did do good!!!! Glad ya'll had such a good time. I know you loved to get away for a few days! Can't wait to see ya'll. Miss you both!

Ashley said...

Sounds like a great trip JR! I can't believe our 5 years is coming up either, we're going to Nashville in August!I have a new blog I can't believe we haven't run into each other in Tupelo or something.

The Overstreets said...

Love all the pictures especially the one of you and LK in front of the bridge!!

We had a great time and are so glad yall came!

mary straton said...

i LOVE Charleston! Kell and I honeymooned there, and we've been dying to get back!

The Segrest Family said...

glad you are back!!!
what a fun trip - and concert! yay larkin!
SAD we missed the sigma chi reunion. i had to work a big wedding =(
y'all look great in the pictures!

Emily Fowler said...

Matt took me to the same concert in atlanta. I feel like we have experienced something cool that no one else has. :)

Anonymous said...
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The Robertsons said...

Wow, that post contained too much fun! Good luck with the class. It is the worst and craziest time of the school year right now. I am counting my days. (only 14)