Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Oxford and such

I went to Oxford one day last week and it worked out at the last second to see some of my favorite people! When Larkin and I lived there I worked for Guest Realty and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity. They whole "Guest gang" means so much to us and we're so thankful for their friendship! Christin & Margaret Dillon are sisters and Christin has Layton & Bess. (MD has one on the way:). I love these folks to pieces and am so glad it worked out for us to hang by the pool for a few hours. And just FYI, their mama is John Kosko's aunt...his mom and their mom are sisters so it's crazy how it all works out and how connected everybody really is!

(far left) Layton wanted me to take her picture :)
MD & Me
On another note, we did do a little landscaping in the front yard. It looks so much better and I will try and post some pics soon! I think that was our last "project" so we're glad of that.
We're headed out of town with Larkin's parents for a long weekend. It will be good to get away for a few days and I will have plenty to post when we get back! Happy 4th! :)


The Kosko Family said...

love that pic of layton striking a pose....she is a mess...

Courtney and Jason G. said...

ooh, the blog looks great. And great swimsuit. I love a good 1 piece.

Jason, Cathy, Claire, Grey, and Nate said...

Your blog looks great! I like the new look. We are moving to Oxford tomorrow so you will have to call me when you come back to visit.