Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Back to Blogging

I've kind of have taken a "bloggin hiatus" the past three of four weeks. We really haven't been home that much...We celebrated with Brian Flowers & Meg as they got married on July 12th. The very next day I left for the beach with my family for the week and then headed to Inverness that next weekend for Emily Harris' wedding. We then got lucky and got to spend 4 days with Michelle. She came to Booneville and we had a great time. Our 5 year wedding anniversary was on the 26th....I can't believe it's been five years! We actually went to Oxford that Saturday night and stayed at the Downtown Inn and ate at Boure. We got up Sunday morning and had Bottletree for breakfast and went to our old church, Christ Pres. It was great! If you had asked me on our wedding day where we thought we would be spending our five year anniversary I am pretty sure I wouldn't have told you Oxford :) This past weekend we worked a Chrysalis walk in Grenada and it was so so so good. The Lord really showed up in a big way and the walk really meant alot to so many people. We are home for now and thankful for such a great summer so far. We are already looking forward to being in Starkville this fall. And I think I might can even tell you the names of all the "committments" we have gotten for the 09' signing season. Only because my husband is a walking "Gene's Page" :)--It's a daily topic of conversation around here...gotta love those dawgs...

Mom, Dad, Stephen, Corinn & me at the beach.
Larkin wasn't able to come this year since he & I could
only be there during the week. He was missed!!

Brian & Meg's wedding was so much fun!
Loved being with great friends. Everything
was beautiful!

Michelle, Miranda, Mary Evelyn & I ate lunch
one day while Michelle was in town. We were missing
our other mate!!
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The Hensons said...

i'm married to a walking "gene's page," too! we're counting down the days until august 30th. william has been wearing his football jersey every day. total craziness!

The Overstreets said...

Love all the new pictures!

Anna and Russ Polsgrove said...

I just realized I missed your birthday! Happy late birthday!! We need to hang out soon!!!

David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...

glad you're back too!! love all the pics and updates! love and miss you!

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