Friday, November 21, 2008

Only me!

Anna Katherine and I got to catch up last week! I went and spent the night with her last Thursday night after I got through going to driving school in Hernando. And yes, you read that right, I had to go to driving school. Long story short, but I got a ticket about a month ago and they now require that if you are over 21 you are not allowed to take it on-line but have to take classroom instruction. Doesn't make alot of sense does it?! You would think it would be the other way around. Anyway, the only nights they offer driving school in Booneville or Tupelo is on Wednesday night and since that is our small group night that wasn't going to work. So, I got on the internet to see what my other options were and it turned out that they offer the class in Hernando on a night beside Wednesday! I was hoping that it would work out where I would get to see that cute girl and sweet boy in the pick above...and it worked out perfect. We had the best visit. Max is super cute and she & Scott have just built a new house and it's beautiful. I loved every second of being with them. Thanks, Anna Kay for having me! Can't wait to do it again soon!

On a side note...I get to driving school that night and we have to register. They tell us to get in line with our drivers license and our $40. I get in line and get up to the table, pull out my license and realize...wait a minute...this is not the picture on my license...this is my old one...oh my gosh where is it?!?! I start to panick a little bit of course and go off to the side pulling everything out of my wallet thinking that I just accidentally put it behind my credit card or something...nope...not in there...not in my purse..not in my console...not anywhere in my car. Where in the world could it be? At this point I feel like I am losing my mind and I was really wishing that our SSN was still the same as our license number...Then it FINALLY dawns on me that I had taken my clutch to the wedding and I remember that I had stuck it in there. And where do you think my clutch was? In my closet in Booneville. Larkin was out of town so it wasn't like he could read me my license number. Anyway, I go back up there and she says, "Oh, I do that all of the time just give me your social and you'll be good." Thanks for telling me that in first place instead of making me think you would kick me out if I didn't have it....but I mean really, who comes to driving school without their current license?!? Only me! And to top it all off I am driving to Anna Kay's house AFTER driving school and see some blue lights in the distance. I am thinking, "please tell me no..please tell me no...not a road block...not a road block." Yes, it was a road block. I let my window down and all I could do was kind of laugh as I held up my driving school certificate and tell them that I only had my expired license. Luckily, they were in a good mood and found it quite humorous, too. Thank goodness they let me go...
Lesson learned!!
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katie ray said...

that is hilarious! sounds like something i would do, b/c i loose everything! so good to see you monday night! hope ya'll have a happy thanksgiving!

David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...

that's hysterical! I can just see it! soooo something I would do!! :) we need a phone date ASAP! love you!

Sara Whitten, Brian, Lilly and Walt said... are not alone! You pulled a Sara Whitty for sure! And, by the way, you are so busted...HERNANDO...and no phone call or even an attempt to visit!? Have a happy turkey day! KISSES!

The Hugheys said...

OH JR!! What a great story! That is TOTALLY something I would do. I always forget to put my license back when I take it out for something. :)