Saturday, December 06, 2008

Arkansas Game

We went to the Arkansas game in Starkville a few weeks ago. It was Camp's birthday & we were able to see him before the game and give him with a little MSU gear to sport on game day. A hat with Bully on it definitely hit the jack pot and the football he is holding didn't hurt too much either =) After that we headed to meet Larkin's parents at the Bulldog Deli (which by the way is my favorite place to eat in Starkville and all my good friends from college know this and remind of my obsession quite often=) We also got to see Jordan & Saunders for a little while which was great and then headed to the game only to sit two rows behind my little cousins. It was great seeing Elizabeth & Jon, Anna Margaret & Hayden. They are so cute and sweet and we don't get to see them near enough because of our distance, but Liz and I have decided that we're going to work on that..we have way too much fun when we're together not to get together =)

So long to football season in Vegas....May next year bring just as much fun with friends and alot more checkmarks in the "W" column...

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