Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 08

We really had such a great Christmas. The best part was getting to spend so much time with our family. It was so nice not to be in a hurry and to have more than 48 hours (a weekend) to visit! We left here on the 18th and got back this past Sunday. We loved every minute of our "Christmas vacation" =) From Christmas with my parents to his from the Kennedy extended family Christmas to the Baker family Christmas it was a blast and we enjoyed it so much. We are so blessed!

The teenage mutant ninja turtles (Adams & Merritt)
with Kennedy and Baird...
let's just say they love the TMNT just a little bit =)

The Baker's (Lanny's side)...with the two
precious girls in pink, Maddie & Baker

My mom and dad and Stephen came up on Christmas day and we all had lunch together....
The Kennedy Clan
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And last but not least....a picture to prove that yes I did go duck hunting one morning. I've never been and I had to see what "the fuss was all about!!" Meredith Sledge (her dad hunts with lk's dad) and I have been saying for years that we were going to go and we finally went...for the first and last time =)

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love that you went duck hunting!! I always tell Eugene I want to go. He tells me I have to go in the morning... I think it is so I will never want to go again. :)