Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Larkin had a Healthcare conference in Nashville last week at the Opryland Hotel so we headed up there last Monday and got back on
Thursday.  We had never been there before but had always heard how beautiful it was and that fact was definitely confirmed!  Highly recommend going there when you get the chance and especially recommend it at Christmas.  Although, I hope you don't end up with the stomach virus while you are there like Larkin did:(  Of course, it's always two times worse when you get sick away from home but he made it and is much better.  I only wish you could have seen me trying to communicate with the housekeepers that didn't speak English, though. Talk about a new kind of sign language!  You would have thought I was trying to tell a wall that I needed disinfectant of some sort...That's another story for another day!  As I said he is much better and I can't believe I haven't gotten it....It was a week ago today that he had it so maybe I am in the that I have said that I probably will wake up with it tonight!!

Apart from the sickness part of the trip, I must say that the highlight of the trip was getting to see Rachel!  We did all get to hang out the first night we were there and I beat everybody in Rummikub...ha--yeh right. We had a blast and the dinner was delicious!  Wished we lived closer so we could do it more often!! =) 

The pictures really don't do it justice so I guess you'll just have to go see it in person.  Sorry there are no "people pictures."  Oh well, there's always next time...

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