Saturday, December 06, 2008

Thanksgiving in the big city

My family came to Booneville for Thanksgiving and we enjoyed every minute of them being here! They got in on Wednesday and left late Friday afternoon. It felt kind of strange for us not to be on the road but I must say it was kind of nice! This was our first Thanksgiving to have at our house and we loved it. Mom & Dad brought a few things and we made a few things and it was great. A very relaxed few days that was much needed for us all. Loved having y'all and can't wait for you to come back! =)
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The Kosko Family said...

look how cute your table is!!!! that centerpiece is adorable..

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

I love the pics and so glad you FINALLY posted!!!

Leslie and Matt Henson said...

Hey girl,
So i just gotta ask. how do you get the updates on your blog list? I can't figure it out and am so blog illiterate! Your table looks great and looks like y'all had a great time for Thanksgiving!

Jenny Ruth said...

Thanks Leslie! To answer your question..hopefully =) Go to Layout--Page Elements. My Blog List should be an option they provide on the left side...Choose edit and then you can decide how you want it from there (alphabetical order or updated blogs first). You will have to enter each blog address separately in the box they provide and that does take a little time.
Let me know if this helps or not. Hopefully you have the "my blog list" tab. If not let me know and I will try and help you get it! Not sure if it has anything to do with the background you choose and the elements that come with that might...