Friday, January 23, 2009

Topper & a new blogger

My sweet friend, Jamie, made a topper for the shower curtain in our guest bathroom back before Christmas and I thought it turned out great! Having that space above the rod filled makes such a difference! She is so good at picking out material, etc. and then she had it made in no time! I really appreciate her help on this! =)

On another note, my dear, hilarious, tell-it-like-it-is best friend Courtney has started a blog =) Go here to check it out. I think she has great in-sight and opinions and it will be one you will really enjoy reading. Disclaimer: beware of the urge to throw out a few "Amens" along the way.
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Katie said...

This looks great!!! I have been trying to figure out what I wanted in our upstairs bathroom. This really looks wonderful!

Courtney said...

I'm lovin the new bathroom! (You know southern girls love the monogram!!) Thanks for the shout out about my blog!

David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...

looks great durlin! :) cant wait to see it in person!

Lain and Tatum said...

I am impressed! That looks great! Hope y'all are doing well! I am signing this instead of your last post!!! You already have so many!!! love y'all!