Sunday, February 01, 2009

25 things

So, I am a much bigger fan of the blogging world than I am of the facebook world so I thought I would apply the "25 random things about myself" tag to my blog! =) I don't ever do stuff like this but what the heck...And I think I am going to tag on here, so Katey, Courtney and Meredith you're it! =)

1.) I lived in Hazlehurst and went to Copiah Academy through the 7th grade and then moved to Jackson.
2.) I love marking things off my to-do-list
3.) The sound of someone crunching ice is my biggest pet peeve.
4.) I am very obsessive compulsive about balancing our least once a day sometimes twice.
5.) I had to wear a back brace from the 7th to ninth grade b/c of scoliosis. I slept in one for two years and then wore one around the clock for a year...not fun but it kept it from getting worse and we were thankful for that.
6.) I would do high school all over again. I loved it that much.
7.) I could put cheese on everything. It's my favorite.
8.) I have a tendency to be a little "hypochondriac'ish"...the first funny feeling and I have already diagnosed myself with the worst possible diagnosis. So let's just say that having a headache is never a good thing around here...
9.) I love Starkville and everything about it...
10.) My dad calls me "precious durlin" (darling) and I love that.
11.) I talk to my mom everyday...most days more than once.
11.) Chrysalis/Crossroads was one of the best things I ever did. It blessed me so much and I absolutely love being involved with it now.
12.) My mil (mother-in-law) and I are super close.
13.) I am always moving furniture, accessories, etc. around at our house...I love changing things up!
14.) Nobody really had alot of faith in me before I got married that I would be able to cook (esp. my mates and Mary Stewart) b/c of the terrible job (aka cookies that turned out like a sheet of concrete) I did beforehand. Needless to say, things are a little different now thank goodness--I have discovered slice and bake =)
15.) Going back and visiting Oxford is one of my favorite things to do. (We lived there for two years). I never thought this MSU fan would say that but it's the truth =)
16.) Diet coke is my weakness.
17.) I talk in my sleep alot.
18.) I really don't care to go to the movies at all. I will go see a girly one every now and then but that's rare.
19.) The Mustard Seed (antique store in Oxford) is my favorite place to shop for furniture, etc.
20.) I am very particular about my hair. I roll it everyday and could never make it without hair spray =)
21.) I take a bath every night before I go to bed. It totally relaxes me and I am convinced I sleep better because of it!
22.) Bulldog Deli is my favorite restaurant. Period.
23.) I use to get really homesick when I was little (just ask Meredith).
24.) I have some of the greatest friends in the world. I could write 25 things just on them. I would be in a loony bin without them. =)
25.)And saving the best for last...I knew after a month of dating Larkin that I would marry him someday. And no, the 15 breakups in a 3 year period never really put that "knowing" to rest. I knew in my heart it would happen and it did. I have been the happiest girl ever since! =)


The Overstreets said...

Okay.. happy to say I knew all these things about you!

#3 -- So, me too. At least you don't have to live with Kane.

The Kosko Family said...

1. i didn't know that!!!!!
3. good to know..
5. what!?!?!?!
6. me too
7. yep....same here
9. i do too
11. me, too...
13. i do too!!!
23. so did i!!! i was miserable at camp of the rising sun and i would call my folks in the middle of the night to come and get me when i spent the night away from home!
i heart you, ruthie!

Anonymous said...

didn't we know you and Larkin would get married after the first time we saw him? y'all weren't even dating yet! some things just can't be denied!

jwhite said...

Every time I picture you, I picture your perfectly styled, beautifully blonde hair. My mom would have loved you as a daughter :) ... and yes my hair is still brown and wet as I type :)

jwhite said...

also, blogs are waaaay more fun than facebook!

jgaskin said...

I too am obsessed with my nightly baths Jenny Ruth! I do belive they have the power to heal anything and make me sleep better!

The Rheas said...

Haaaa Jenny Ruth! I am sure your cooking skills have way surpassed mine now! Just make sure Larkin doesn't get a bit of those cookies :)

The Rheas said...

or a bite rather.

Unknown said...
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Mysti Chustz said...

I am so with you on #6 and #23!! I love are just as precious as always!!

Emily Fowler said...

I hate facebook too. I know you didn't say you hated facebook, but I feel you. Loved that post.. and the shower curtain.