Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here, there & everywhere!

The month of March has been so fun! We were gone from the 1st to the 8th as we traveled 3 different states and got to see some of our nearest and dearest. Everything just happened to fall the same week so we hit the road on the 1st and headed to Jackson. I have to give a little shout out to my husband on the reason for this trip. As some of you know, he is the administrator of the hospital here in Booneville. He has an awesome team and an incredible staff and they were nominated by the MS Nurses Association for Hospital of the Year. While they didn't win the award, it was a fun night. It was a big deal just to be nominated so I am so proud of him! =) He headed back with some co-workers the next morning and I stayed for another night and got to see Jennifer and big sister Ellie, as well as sweet Amanda...such a treat. I headed back to Booneville on Wednesday and made a little stop at the Overstreets on my way home. So fun!

On Thursday morning we headed to Memphis for the day. Lk had a meeting that morning so I shopped and then met Jordan for lunch. We went to the Commissary in Germantown. It's a BBQ joint and it's SO good. If you are ever up that way you need to go =). And speaking of shopping, I am a big fan of Ann Taylor Loft. They have some super cute stuff right now so if you are a fan you may want to check it out.

Our last little excursion was to Birmingham. We bought tickets for the Davis Cup so we were looking forward to watching some tennis. We stayed with Mary Ellen & Jeff and had a blast. It was so fun seeing them and seeing all of the other fun friends that come with a visit to B'ham....the Butlers, the Flowers, Katie Madden and her sweet guy, Harris. It's always great to see and catch up with those you wish you could see more often!! Also, Mary Ellen & Jeff have an awesome house with a great front porch. Combine that with perfect weather and a glass of wine and voila...you have a good combination. I told Larkin he should be thankful that we weren't at home because it would have been a major yardwork day had we been there =) Thanks again for having us guys! Before we left on Sunday I got to see my sweet, sweet, friend Meredith. We were able to hang out and grab lunch and it was wonderful. We rarely get that much time together so I was so thankful! Go here to check out her precious family...

So there you have it, proof that we have officially burnt up any road that leads to a major city from Booneville =) I wouldn't have it any other way, though, and I can't think of a better way to spend a week out of the month than spending it with those who mean so much. =)

Until next time...

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