Saturday, February 28, 2009

This & That

I just realized that my last post was on February 1st...where has this month gone?!?!  Can't believe that tomorrow is the first day of March.  I have to say, though, that it's always a refreshing feeling to start a new month...especially during these cold months it just feels good to know that spring is making it's way around the corner.  
We have made a few road trips the past couple of weeks and that has been fun.  We ended up making a last minute trip to
Oxford for Valentine's Day and it was great.  We hit up two of our favorite restaurants...Boure for lunch and 208 for dinner.  They were delicious!  We did manage to get in a little tennis and shopping in between so that was fun. The weather was beautiful!

A few days later we headed to Memphis for the Regions Morgan Keegan Tennis Championship. His parents had given us tickets to go see Sampras play so we met them there and watched tennis for a couple of days.  It was really fun to watch "the pros" play.  Mrs. Lanny's birthday happened to fall on one of 
the days we were there so it worked out great to be able to celebrate it. Thanks again, Lanny & Bill, for such great tickets and a good time.

On another note, who would have thought that the chance of snow today would be 90%?!?!  Here's to hoping we get a few inches this weekend.  I always seem to be in the place the snow is not so I am hoping that's not the case this time! =)  

Have a great week!

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