Thursday, June 04, 2009

The rich & famous...

I have always been real "starstruck" so for those of you that are the same will definitely enjoy this story...
Larkin and I took supper to an elderly couple in our neighborhood last night and as we were sitting there visiting Nashville came up in the conversation. Mrs. Preston started telling me how she still goes to the dentist up there (they lived there when they first got married). The last time she was there for her appt. she and her dentist (he's early 40's and his wife is a nurse at Baptist) were visiting and he said, "Well, Mrs. Preston, you will never believe who my wife is working for now.....she happened to be at the hospital when Nicole Kidman came in to have her baby and apparently they liked the way she did things so they asked if she would be interested in being their nanny....they hired her and one of the other nurses that helped them while they were there. One works a month while the other is off..."

So to say my mouth dropped when she told me that story was an understatment. She said they fly them on their private jet all of the time to their 4 houses. And of course that means if they are flying around the country with Nicole then they're flying around the country with...Keith favorite singer e-v-e-r. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. I told Mrs. Preston to put in a good word for me when she goes back to the dentist in August...just in case they may need another one sometime or know. And yes, Katey, you can go with me when I go =)

I love stories like that...especially when you know someone...that knows someone...that works with the rich and famous!!


katie ray said...

wow- what a neat story!!!

The Overstreets said...

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUH-LEASE make this happen!!!! Love it!

HollyBerry said...

cool! i can see your eyes when you were listening to that story! i miss you much!!!