Tuesday, June 09, 2009


We saw Coldplay in concert on Saturday night and it. was. awesome. You should go if you ever get the chance. Larkin has always been a huge fan so I give him all of the credit for making me one. I never knew that an entertainer could have so much energy. Chris Martin was unbelievable. We sat on the first row of the lower level so we were right above the floor seats. Coldplay made their way to the back towards the middle of the concert so they walked right in front of us on their way hence the close-up pic of Chris. AND Larkin got a high five as he walked by. So...yes, he touched his sweaty self and he will probably tell you that in the first five seconds of talking to him if you ask him about the concert... =) We had a blast and would go see them again in a heartbeat. Several of our good friends went so we all ate dinner together beforehand....it was a really fun night...and we have listened to Coldplay every day since then! =)

with Brad & Carroll Lane

with Brandt and Martha

We stayed with one of my bestest...Rachel. She, David & Drews were so kind to have us and we loved every minute although it wasn't quite long enough (never is =) Rach and I managed to grab a picture or two on Sunday afternoon before we headed back. And Drews, isn't he a doll!?!?!?!?!? =)

1 comment:

The Kosko Family said...

i am so jealous of you for getting that close to chris martin, i kinda want to throw things at you....