Monday, October 12, 2009


As alot of you already know, we found out several weeks ago that we will be having IDENTICAL TWINS next spring. We actually found out on September the 8th that we were pregnant and on the 29th we had our first ultrasound that discovered we will be having TWO babies in May!!! We couldn't be more excited and are so, so thankful for this blessing!!! It's been a long, long road and sharing this fun news with you sure has been a long time coming!!! There were days that I wondered if we would ever be able to share this kind of news with anyone, but the Lord is faithful...and here we are....and we truly couldn't have anymore joy in our hearts than we do right now.

Who knows why we have to wait so long for those things that we desire most. Larkin and I have seen some pretty dark days over this "waiting period" but we only hope and pray that our dark days can help bring some light to other couples who may walk our same road. And of course,
we truly cannot thank our family and friends enough for all of the support they have given us and all the many, many, thousands of prayers that were lifted up for us and Baby Kennedy to be. So many have loved us and walked with us and for that we are forever grateful.

We are due May 18th but since it's two they have moved it up about 3 weeks to the end of April. Things have looked GREAT so far so we pray they continue to. Will keep you posted!

"Oh that you would burst from the heavens and come down. How the mountains quake in your presence....for since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for Him." Is. 64: 1-4


The Hensons said...

so excited for y'all!!! praying for a smooth couple of months (and that at least one of them will like duck hunting)! :)

LT (and Max) said...

I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! :)

DK Baria said...

god is so good. we are excited beyond words and are keeping mama and daddy and babies in our prayers. dk

Crystal Garcia said...

Congratulations! I heard the news last week and I definitely teared up. Praise the Lord for his provision. Children are such a blessing.

Unknown said...

This is such wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you both. Maybe my baby and your two little ones will share a birthday!!!
I will definitely keep you, Larkin and those two sweet babies in my prayers!!

The Overstreets said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

We just love you and LK so much. You are faithful servants of our Lord and through all of this, Saunders and I have learned so much from the two of you. We share in your joy!!!! What a beautiful blessing or shall I say blessings! :) See you Sunday!!!!

Unknown said...

I have been just celebrating your news since I heard last week!!!!WOOOHOOO!!!!!! GOd is sooo good....All the time!!!! Love you both!!!!!

The Lively's said...

so happy for you!!

Kendall and Will said...

I've been anticipating your post!!! Words cannot express how excited I am for you and Larkin. The Lord brought a bond between us once and now He's creating a new bond: "twin mommies"!!!! Can't wait to follow your pregnancy! Love you.

Jennifer and BJ said...

YAY!!!! I'm so happy for ya'll! The two of you will continue to be in our prayers during the next 7 months and many years to come :)

Katie said...

I am so happy for y'all! I hope you are feeling good. How neat that we both get the "twin" experience. God is good!!!!

Alison said...

I am SO excited for y'all! God IS good!

Ashley said...

Congrats JR! I will be praying for you and the little ones!

Meaghan said...

Congrats!! What fabulous news! Dressing up one baby is fun...but TWINS...YEA!

Ella Rose & Isaac said...

Oh Jenny Ruth! I am sooo excited for you and Larkin. There is nothing sweeter than giving birth to babies that you have the priviledge of carrying in your belly for 9 months...and then you get to spend every day with them! Uh! WHAT a blessing. Jonathan and I are so happy that you and L are joining the club. God is good! Hope to hug your neck very soon!

The Segrest Family said...

yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! so happy for you two!

Courtney and Jason G. said...

this is wonderful news! I know you are thrilled. praying for you guys...