Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Double digits

Well, I must say it feels good to reach a "double digit" week of pregnancy--I hit week 10 today! We had an appointment on Monday and everything is looking great. The babies have grown so much and we were able to see their little arms and legs for the first time. One was going ninety to nothing and the other one was curled up and sound asleep. Their heart rates were in the 170's and they're measuring just as they should.

I am still feeling good. I've actually really surprised myself because I just knew that I was going to be dead dog sick. My stomach is weird to begin with and I don't tolerate birth control very well so I just knew I was going to be in for it...BUT, knock on wood, I've really been okay. I do have nausea from time to time but not anything that a zofran can't take care of ;)

As far as cravings, I've had a few. I definitely have not craved ANYTHING healthy. I could eat junk food all day everyday. My craving of the week is Doritos...last week it was Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Quick story on doughnuts---I ran to Wal Mart last week to pick up just a few things (that were NOT on the food side might I add) and I couldn't resist the Krispy Kreme stand they had when I walked in the door! So, I swiped me a box and then took down TWO in the car on the way home---and I don't even live 5 minutes from Wal Mart...Wow--I wonder how many more stories I'll have like that between now and April?! Probably quite a few...


The Davidsons said...

Congratulations Jenny Ruth! I saw on Facebook that you are expecting, but I had no idea that it was twins! Isn't God good! :o)

Oh by the way, I found your blog recently by way of some other DG blogs. So excited to find it! Take care of yourself and those babies! Eat some yummy food.

Missy (Patrick) Davidson

Unknown said...

Jenny Ruth! I am so excited for yall! Congrats on your bundles of joy!

LT (and Max) said...

it's amazing how much you can see in those ultrasounds!!! so glad things are going well. keep on eating those doritos and donuts!!! :)

Alison said...

I LOVED seeing your ultrasound picture! It's so cool with twins!

The Cross Family said...

I am so happy and excited for yall. Double the joy and double the blessing! :)

Kendall and Will said...

Yeah for 10 weeks!! It's so neat seeing your identical twins in the same sac! I'm ready for you to find out the sex!!

Unknown said...

I so glad you are feeling well!! Praying it continues!
As for the donuts, I have not had that craving, but Tricia said she has a pregnant friend that craves Krispy Kreme and picked up a dozen on her way to work and by the time she got there, there were only a couple LEFT!! So just eating two is self-control, I think!!!
I can't wait to find out what those sweet babies are!!

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

There they are!!! They have grown so much! I can't believe it. I love seeing pictures of those sweet angels! I guess Saunders and I are just a very proud honorary aunt and uncle! :) SOOO Thankful you are still feeling good. It's a good thing you don't live too close, or all your cravings would be effecting the Ramsey's too. haha!!!

DK Baria said...

love the ultrasound pic. there's nothing better than a krispy cream pregnant or not! keep the postings coming. looking forward to keeping up with the twins' progress--oh, and yours too. dk

Sara Whitten, Brian, Lilly and Walt said...

What sweet little miracles! I am so very happy for you both! I love you! Take Care!

The Hensons said...

a donut is what....like 70 cents?? so, at least you got a cheap craving!!! all i wanted was sandwiches from lenny's with all of mine. too bad that they are a good bit more than 70 cents! :)

The Segrest Family said...

LOVE that picture!!! and yay for 10 weeks!!!
i love your cravings - those are good ones! i made and ATE homeade rice krispy treats like it was my JOB when i was pregnant with camp!!!
cant wait to see your belly!

Emily Soen said...

those ultrasound pictures are dear!! and i have to let you know, JR, that anastasia was getting fussy just now. but when i clicked on your page and the song started playing, she is back to playing! even dancing a little, i think ;)

Jason, Cathy, Claire, Grey, and Nate said...

So Awesome!! i love the pic!! We are so happy for yall!!

margaret said...

Do you see our big smiles? Your announcement has made the whole Guest crew sooo happy! What a joy you and Larkin are to us, and now 2 more little Kennedy's...yea! I'm thinking about celebrating with Krispy Kreams too! Love to all 4 of you from the Guests.

The Rives said...

Congratulations Jenny Ruth! We are so excited for you and Larkin! Not sure if you remember me but I grew up with Larkin and I worked on your Crossroads walk. I try to keep up with you guys through Mrs. Lanny and check out your blog from time to time. These two miracles will surely have a lot of love! Congrats again!
Andrea Rives

mary straton said...

Congrats, JR! I am so happy for you both! God is so good!

Blaine and Kate said...

So great to see you and Larkin at the game yesterday! So cool to see your sonogram. I can't imagine twins! What a miracle. Praise God!

Unknown said...

Yeah for WEEK 10! Love the sonogram picture too! Love your Krispy Kreme story! I craved KFC- how terrible is that?!