Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Boys or Girls?

We went to the doctor a few weeks ago and everything looked great! We go back on December 7th and will get to find out what we're having!! It's all gone by so fast that we can't believe it's almost time to know if they are boys or girls. So for fun, I've posted a "blog poll" so let us know what you think they are! (just a reminder that they're identical so they have to be the same sex)
I am starting to get a a little baby bump--I'll post some pics soon! =)


The Simpsons said...

i can't wait to see your baby bump!! Im so excited for yall. You will find out on Michael's bday I will be out of town on business so text me when you know.

Sara Whitten, Brian, Lilly and Walt said...


The Hensons said...

of course i think they are boys!! is it even possible to have girls?? and if they are boys.....just think of all the hand-me-downs you'll get from over here! :)

LT (and Max) said...

i was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering if you knew yet! :)
i vote girls!

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

I think they are GIRLS!!!! So ready to see you two!!!! When do we get to see you again!!!!! I am ready to see you, Larkin, and my babies!!!!

The Overstreets said...

I vote girls!!

Unknown said...

I voted girls!

DK Baria said...

i vote girls. please let me give some bows to some precious little girls (looks like we won't have any of those in our family). but hey, i am sure you will be excited with what the good lord gives you. i know we all will be. love to you and larkin and babies. dk

jwhite said...

I can't wait! Dec 7 has been circled on my calendar since you told me that was the day. I dont really have a guess. I was first thinking girls when you initially found out twins, but now I am thinking boys!

Anonymous said...

So great to see you last week! Hope to see you sometime over the holidays. -Cade

P.S.: I'm voting for girls...:)

Rachael Tackett said...

I didn't know ya'll were pregnant. I am sooo very happy for you both!!! God is good!

The Kosko Family said...

i voted girls...wishful thinking....

Kathryn said...

Definitely pulling for BOYS and then a move to Memphis... picturing playdates and then football games!! :-) love you and those sweet babies!!!

The Hugheys said...

Girls! :) Can't wait to hear, JR!!! Congrats and i'm ready for that baby bump pic. You are gonna be the CUTEST darn pregnant girl ever... I KNOW it :)