Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1st purchase

I went through Oxford on my way home a few weeks ago and decided to make a quick trip to the Mustard Seed. I literally had about 10 minutes and of course, when you're not looking for anything in-particular is when you see it! ;) I had thought a little bit about changing tables and baby beds but not much but I knew when I saw this piece that it would make a great changing table. I wanted an older piece that I knew we could use later....SO, much earlier than expected, we made our 1st purchase. I liked it even more once we got it home and I think it's going to work great. Now, I guess it's on to thinking about beds!
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The Simpsons said...

love the changing table.. let me know if you need some help getting the twins room together. I would love to help. Hope to see you soon.

Lain and Tatum said...

Love, Love, Love it!

jwhite said...

love it. love the mustard seed. can't wait for you to fill it with tiny diapers!

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

JR- I love it. Hope you are doing well. Miss you, Brooke

Unknown said...

i LOVE it!! That is the kind of changing table I am on the lookout for. So exciting!

David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...

i LOOOOOVE it, durlin! cant wait to see it in person!!!!

The Robertsons said...

Congrats on the twins! I love the changing table. It will be a great piece that you can use later.

The Hugheys said...

AH!! I LOVE THAT!! IT will be great!:) So excited for ya'll!