Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Just wanted to give a little update on how things are going! We are all doing great! I went to the doctor on Monday and everything looked just as it should. The babies are each weighing around 1 lb which is just crazy to me! I've started feeling them move in the past few weeks and their little movements only get stronger and more noticeable with each passing day. I have been having a funny, uncomfortable feeling under my right set of ribs and come to find out, I have 2 sets of feet that are meeting at my rib! The babies are L-shaped right now so we'll see how long they stay that way. This doctors appt kicked off my 2 week visits so that's hard to believe. I was 22 weeks yesterday and here is a promised belly pic...

Their room is going to be pink so this week I've been trying to decide on exactly which shade. I am going for a light shade of pink but haven't found "the one"...almost, but not quite. My parents are headed this way in a few days to help us paint so I have to get it figured out by Saturday! I have decided on their bedding. And yes, it's very pink and girly =) Huge props to Larkin for being such a good sport when it comes to all of this "ruffley" stuff. Here are a few swatches of material that it will consist of...

And this is the bed it will go in...Here is one of my favorite parts about their room...I have always loved the thought of a chandelier in a baby girls nursery and I was so excited when I found it. I love love LOVE it and can't wait to get it up.

That's all the room stuff I have for now. I will post some pics as the room gets painted. Also, we are still working on names. We should have them soon ;)


The Simpsons said...

Love the colors of the bedding!! Can't wait to see when the room is done. Katelyn and I will have to come by soon and see everything. You look great for being so far along.

Unknown said...

I LOVE it all!! Precious little girls. I can't wait to see the end product! And you look GREAT. So glad to hear they are both healthy - and you too!

The Robertsons said...
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The Robertsons said...

You look amazing! I can't wait to see how precious that room is going to be. Congrats!

Sara Whitten, Brian, Lilly and Walt said...

Love it all! Lilly has the same bed and chandelier in her truly makes the room SUPER SWEET! I am so thankful that all is going so well. Love you much!

Unknown said...

I LOOOOVE that baby bump!! wish i could see it in person!! and I you KNOW i love all the stuff for the babies' room! that is the exact chandelier i have picked out...of course!! (if i ever get a house, that is!!;0) love you durlin!

David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...

that previous comment was from probably figured that our already, though :) didnt know he was still logged into his email acct! oops!

The Mims Family said...

LOVE it all!! So fun! Thrilled for ya'll. Know you're having a good time picking everything out! Larkin is a good sport, as is Chad. :) It'll all be worth it when those girls are melting his heart!

The Hugheys said...

You look... fabulous. Can't wait to see this pretty pink room! Good catching up tonight!

Anonymous said...

Could you tell me where you got this precious chandelier? I have been looking for something just like that. Thanks!

Jenny Ruth said...

I found it at Pottery Barn Kids!

Meaghan said...

You look great, Jenny Ruth! Love the fabrics....Mary Reeves' bedding is very similar, all in pinks and lime green. Too cute!!

HollyBerry said...

ADORABLE tummy on you! and ADORABLE nursery stuff, especially the chandelier! i love some pink and green, myself... love you, glad you and the girls are doing well! how fun!

HollyBerry said...

ADORABLE tummy on you! and ADORABLE nursery stuff, especially the chandelier! i love some pink and green, myself... love you, glad you and the girls are doing well! how fun!

Lee, Leanne and Samuel said...

awww...your tummy is precious. i can't wait to see you carrying babies around. you will be such a sweet mama. glad you are feeling good!

Jennifer and BJ said...

you look great!! i cannot believe you are already 22 weeks! time is just flying by. the girls' room is going to be precious...have fun decorating :)

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

Love it all!!! Cant wait to see it in person! I know you are so glad to get all of this done! It's super cute!!!!