Monday, March 29, 2010

On the countdown

We are all growing by the day!  I will be 33 weeks tomorrow!  I went to the doctor last Thursday and Sally Kate weighed 4 lbs 14 oz and Simmons weighed 4 lbs.  SK is in the 71st percentile and Simmons is in the 46th so I think they're doing just fine ;) The ultrasound looked's getting a little harder to tell what is what because they are so big now.  You would think it would be the opposite but they are so smushed in there that it all starts to look the same after a while.  They both have a good bit of hair so YAY for all of the bows to come!  All is looking great with me.  We are just taking everything week by week and shoot to make it to 37 weeks if we can.  There are some days I think I will make it that long and then other days I wonder if I will just make it to the next day, so who knows.  If I can just make it to 34 weeks we'll be smooth sailing.   They are measuring a little on the bigger side so that makes me feel better about them coming before 37.

Their room is pretty much done.  I am just waiting on my chair and need to put a few more things on the wall once I get it and then will post some pictures of it!  I thought their bedding turned out pretty cute so here is a picture of it until I can get the other ones up...


David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...

you look GREAT!!! and i cant believe how big the babies have gotten....4+ lbs each?!? that's AWESOME!! cant believe how quickly time has gone by!! cant wait to meet those baby durlins!!! LOOOVE YOU!

DK Baria said...

what special little girls to get to sleep in such a pretty bed! can hardly wait to see them. mrs. dk

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

YAY for 33 weeks!!! So thankful you are doing so good! You look wonderful...and of course the bedding is ADORABLE!!!! miss you and hope to see you soon! Will you be up here next week?

The Putnam Family said...

so exciting! glad everything is going so well. can't wait to see pics of those sweet girls!

Kendall and Will said...

Ahhh you look so cute!!! I look back at pics of myself and can't believe my belly ever stretched that much :) Love the bedding!

Meredith said...

AAAAAHHHH!!! I can't wait!!!!

DeDe said...

Look at you!!!! The bedding is PRECIOUS!!! LOVE IT ..can't wait to meet my little girls!