Sunday, March 07, 2010

Almost 30 weeks...

and counting! Here is a picture of my lovely belly at just a few days shy of hitting the big 3-0.  I can't believe I only have 7 more weeks to go--at the most.  It has flown by!!  I am feeling good...the fluid in my legs and feet has shown up in a big way the past few days but other than that I really can't complain.  We go for our 3D ultrasound tomorrow so we're looking forward to that.  I mentioned in one of my previous post that I was going for my gestational diabetes test a few weeks ago and sure enough I failed it the first time.  I went back this past Thursday to take the three hour test and they called me on Friday to say I had passed! So YAY for continuing my trips to TCBY everytime I go to Memphis!!  I don't know what I would do if I had to go the rest of my pregnancy without white chocolate mousse and strawberries!!

And speaking of food, I've really been on a few "food kicks" lately.  I am not a huge Mexican person but lately I've been able to take down a taco salad in no time.  It's sooo good--especially when I am lucky enough to stop when I am in Memphis and get it from Swanky's Taco Shop (thanks to Jordan).  My other new craving and "must have" on the total opposite end from Mexican is Carnation Instant Breakfast (thanks to Anna Katherine).  I LOVE this stuff.  I have one everyday and my babies are probably going to weigh 7 lbs each because of it but that's okay. It's full of protein and all of the good stuff so on top of taking 2 pre-natals for being slightly anemic I am drinking this stuff, too.  Our girls are sure not going to be lacking in the vitamin department!!  And last but not least, I couldn't make it through the day without Clearly American Water--Strawberry Kiwi flavor.  This stuff is awesome!! And so cheap!!

Their room is coming along.  Still feel like there is a good bit to do but I know it will get done.  I try to do a little bit everyday but sometimes I just can't seem to make a decision on anything, therefore delaying the nursery progress...oh well! My hospital bag is pretty much packed.  Larkin ask me everyday how that is coming...he is so funny.  It's taken some time to get everything that needs to go in it but now I am finally able to say, "yes, babe, it's packed!"


Katie said...

You look great!! Glad to hear your hospital bag is packed... you never know when you'll need that thing! :)

Katie said...

You look great!! Glad to hear your hospital bag is packed... you never know when you'll need that thing! :)

Gracie said...

That is so funny...I was obsessed with Carnation Instant Breakfast too. I loved it. You look great by the way!!

Anonymous said...

Well... that's quiet interessting but honestly i have a hard time visualizing it... wonder what others have to say..

Unknown said...

what does anoymous mean?!
Anyway, you look fabulous! So glad you are feeling well.

Morgan said...

Check your blog daily to see if you have updated! You look great- hope you are still feeling good!