Monday, April 26, 2010



JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

Loving these pictures!!! Pretty sure we live too far away! I wish we were a hop, skip, and a jump away. Can't wait to get to Booneville to meet Simmons!

The Hensons said...

so sweet!! can't wait to get my hands on them!

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

Jenny Ruth- oh my gosh. Precious!!!

Kissy said...

When I clicked on your blog to see your precious little gifts and heard the song selection from Stevie Wonder - WOW! You made me cry!! Isn't God good!!!!!!!

Sally said...

They are adorable! Congrats!

jwhite said...

They are such cute babies... enjoy every moment, even the stressful ones :)

The Stuckeys said...

They are SO sweet! These pictures are precious. We can't wait to meet them!