Monday, April 26, 2010

Reunited and it feels so good!

They called Saturday morning to say that Simmons was ready to go home!  We knew she was close but didn't know it would be quite that soon--needless to say, we were pretty excited to get the phone call!  Sally Kate & Simmons hadn't been together since they were born so getting them back together was a sweet time.  We got them all ready to head home and got here that night...
It's so good to have us all under one roof.  We all actually got some pretty good sleep the first night, but last night was a different story.  Hopefully we can meet in the middle somewhere tonight because if not this mama and daddy are going to be worn out!!  My mom and Lanny have been such a HUGE help and we may never let them go home!  I am learning real fast that I am going to have to catch a nap here and there during the day while they sleep in order to be able to function.  So, speaking of, I'm headed that way...with a very, very thankful heart...I can't think of a better reason to have to crash for a few hours.


Catherine said...

JR, I have tears in my eyes! They are BEAUTIFUL and so absolutely perfect!! I can't get over how PRECIOUS they are! And only you would look so put together! Amazing!! Can't wait to hold those sweet baby girls! Glad everybody is under one roof!

Catherine said...
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Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see on FB when they arrived!!!!!! So so excited for y'all and they are just adorable!

Rachael Tackett said...

They are adorable....congrats congrats and congrats!
Rachael Tackett

Gracie said...

They are soooo beautiful!!! Congratulations to yall on those precious girls!! Next time I am at my mom's house I want to come and meet them in person.

LT (and Max) said...

oh my goodness oh my goodness!!!!! such dolls!
God is so good!

couldn't be happier for you and larkin!

Ginna Abbey said...

They are absolutely gorgeous! I'm so happy for y'all!

The Overstreets said...

YAY!!!! Kane and I were oooing and ahhing over these yesterday! LOVE those precious girls so much. My favorite is the one of you guys swaddling them!!!!

laura said...

Congratulations on Sally Kate and Simmons!! They are beautiful! I love that each of you have a precious baby to cuddle and hold! These first few baby weeks are some of my very favorites. Enjoy your precious girls!!

Susan said...

JR they are beautiful. glad you are home with those babies. just too cute!!!!