Friday, April 09, 2010


Not just a whole lot to report from my appointment yesterday and I guess that's probably a good thing! Things are still rocking along.  My blood pressure was great and that's the main thing they've been keeping an eye on.  I have had a good bit of swelling in my legs and feet and the next thing that could change would be the pressure.  So, for the "pressures" to be good is a great thing! =)  I go back next Wednesday and we'll see how much they weigh, etc.  so I should definitely know more after that appointment.  No big plans for the weekend except to prop up my feet and enjoy this beautiful weather...and maybe convince my husband to plant a flower or two =) Taking it easy is high on the priority list for both of us because change is coming quick!  They'll be here before we know it!!!!


The Hensons said...

glad the appt was "routine!" and i saw the husband's mug in the paper this can't make a hotshot like that plant flowers and do yardwork!! :)

Kelly Family said...

Hi Jenny Ruth. I know you dont know who I am but I came across your blog from a friend of mine. My husband was a sigma chi with Larkin. We have 8 month old twin boys. I just wanted to say hi and wish you the best with your sweet baby girls. It is so much fun having two and so neat to see how differently they can act! We also have a 5 year old girl and a two year old boy. Please email me if you have any questions! Our twins were born at 36 weeks and weighed 6.7 and 6.3--we stayed two nights at the hospital and they came straight home with us. Good Luck to you! Allison Kelly

DK Baria said...

glad everything went well with your check up. laura tells me larkin is a celeb. you better get him to plant the flowers before someone wants an autograph. just kidding. keep us posted. dk

Kendall and Will said...

Glad everything is going well! So proud you've made it this far :) I can't wait for these little girls to be here!

David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...
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David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...
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David, Rachel, Drews and Kate said...
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