Thursday, February 18, 2010

New blogger and a little more...

Just wanted to give a little shout out to my newest blogger friend...Michelle! SO excited she has started a blog to keep us up-to-date as she gets ready to head to NYC in August. I have no doubt there will be many stories to keep us entertained along the way! I've been lucky enough to get to spend the past week with her and it's been so much fun. Miss you, already, chelle and can't wait to see you again soon!!!

In other news, things are still going great with Sally Kate & Simmons. I was 27 weeks on Tuesday and will go back to the doc next Tuesday for the lovely sugar test. I have already decided that I am going to fail it...I don't know why I am thinking that way but maybe I'll get lucky and pass! I had a couple of showers last weekend that were absolutely wonderful so I can't wait to post some pics from those when I get back home next week. We are on our last traveling hoorah for the next few days and I am enjoying every minute of being laid up in a hotel room! Might be a while before we see the inside of one of these again!

Until next week.....


LT (and Max) said...

I am excited about michelle's new blog too! (and what a CUTE header she has! hahaha!)

glad you're still doing well!

Katie said...

If I may give you a bit of advice... my dr. told me I didn't have to fast before the sugar test. So, I ate a granola bar on the way to the dr. I failed and had to go back for the insane 4 hour test. I passed. I'm just sure if I had not had that granola bar I would have passed. Good luck!!

Michelle said...

Jenny Ruth, I feel so honored!!!! I miss you already! Laura, you did a fantastic job on the header!!

Anonymous said...

You know, people always manufacture comments when anything is predicted to come to pass in 2012, like “obviously that is if the faction is subdue here.” You do achieve that the Mayans suggest the creation will end on Dec. 21 (or 23rd)? So in all distinct possibility if anything is going to encounter in 2012 there is only the slimmest chance that the world will contain ended first it happens.
]planetery ascension december 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012