Thursday, April 29, 2010

2 week check-up

We went on Tuesday for our 2 week check-up and my mom and I couldn't resist putting them in these hats.  It was pretty windy and a little on the cool side so the perfect reason for something on their little heads!  They had a great check-up.  Sally Kate weighed 5 lbs 12 oz and Simmons weighed 4 lbs 11 oz. so they are gaining weight and the doctor said they looked healthy as could be.  I had alot of questions that got answered so it was a good appt all the way around.  The past two nights have gone pretty smooth and we have actually gotten some sleep.  We are thankful for nights where they only wake up to eat and then go right back down!  We'll see how long these "good" nights last ;) 
(SK, Simmons)


Sara Whitten, Brian, Lilly and Walt said...

AWESOME news. Hats are the best...and bonnets are even better. Can't wait to see those little angels in those! I hope to be to B'ville soon!

The Quinns said...

Glad they are doing so well! They are gorgeous! And who can resist a hat??? Wait till you have an excuse to put them in BONNETS! They are my absolute weakness!

Rachel said...

These girls are so beautiful!! So happy to see more pictures! Think of you often--and by the way---you look like you never even had a baby (or BABIES)!!:) So, so happy for ya'll and love the picture of Larkin holding TWO carriers! He's a natural!! Yay for good check-ups!!

Anonymous said...

They are just perfect! Congratulations! I love their names!

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

Love the hats!!! So thankful they had a good check-up!!!!

LT (and Max) said...

OH MY GOODNESS THE BONNETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they're just adorable.

The Kosko Family said...

those hats.....oh my gosh....oh my gosh......

Preston, Lauren, and Leighton said...

They are sooo beautiful! I can't wait to meet them. :)